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Author Guidelines

Dear author. From the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF) we thank you for having considered our journal for your work. In order for the text to be considered by Archives on Food, Culture and Nutrition we kindly ask you to take into account the following guidelines:

Only texts managed through this OJS platform will be accepted.

The file must be in Word (.doc) or RTF format. The page layout must be DIN A4 with all margins of 2.5 cm. The maximum length is 20 pages for articles and 4 pages for reviews.

The maximum limit per article is 8000 words, including bibliography.

The body of the article should be written in Arial font, size 12cpi, left aligned and 1.5 cm spaced. Paragraphs should not be spaced or indented at the beginning of paragraphs, and footnotes should be inserted at the bottom of the page in Arial, size 10cpi, line spacing. They should be brief and, in direct relation to the text, to introduce a clarification, point out a critical aspect or pose a brief question. Essential information should be in the body of the text and should not include author information in the article. This should be in the submission form.

Followed by an abstract of your text (maximum 250 words) and no more than five keywords. You should always include an English version of both issues. The abstract should present the structure of the article and describe: the problem investigated, the study method used, the main results obtained, the conclusions and implications for theory and/or practice, and (if applicable) the innovative contribution to the state of the art.

If you wish, include acknowledgements before starting the text (not as a footnote).

Quotations will always appear in the body of the text, not as a footnote, and will include the surname of the person and the year -in the case of literal quotations, in addition to the number of pages-. The year and the number of pages will always be in brackets; the surname may be inside or outside the brackets. If the quotation is less than four lines long, it must be inserted in the body of the text with inverted commas at the beginning and end. If it is longer than four lines, it must be included as a separate paragraph, without inverted commas, in Arial 10cpi font, single-spaced.

Each reference included in the bibliography must be cited in the text with the surname of the author (or institution responsible) and year. Both the name and the year should be in brackets, unless the name is part of the text, in which case only the year should be in brackets.

Ibid., cit. or similar expressions are allowed, however, it is preferable not to use them.

The year appears immediately after the author's surname, in brackets, although the author's name may appear in the development of the text.

               According to Bailey (2012) ... Novaro (2011 and 2014)

When the author's surname and the year appear together, no comma is included between them.

               Some proposals (Suárez 2011) have contributed along these lines.

If the text contains images, they must be sent separately, duly identified and numbered, in .jpeg format, with a minimum quality of 300 dpi. All images must be free of copyright and must be sent with official documentation certifying that they are free of licence or that they have been acquired for academic publication purposes. Their location in the body of the text must be properly identified.

In the case of tables and graphs, they must be sent in editable .doc format, and elements in .jpeg or other formats will not be taken into account.

All of them (images, tables and graphs) must have an explanatory caption underneath, centred alignment, in Arial 10cpi font, numbering the materials in the same type, including the source and date if applicable.

Copyright notice

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows sharing of the work with acknowledgement of authorship and publication.

Privacy statement

Names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.For more information, you can access a full version of the style guide at the following link: ICAF Manual of Style (AFOCUN)

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • El archivo de envío está en formato Microsoft Word (.doc/docx), RTF o WordPerfect.
  • El cuerpo del artículo está escrito en letra Arial, tamaño 12cpi, alineado a la izquierda y con interlineado en 1,5 cm.
  • Cada referencia recogida en la bibliografía está citada en el texto mediante el apellido del autor/a (o institución responsable) y año.
  • The main file is anonymised, with no possibility of identifying the authors.
  • Se ha incluido un resumen del texto (máximo de 250 palabras) y no más de cinco palabras clave. It should be included in both English and Spanish.

Privacy Statement

The International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF) takes great care and pride in the integrity of its publications. We strive to meet the ends and needs of our editors, authors and readers and to constantly improve.

Editorial and Peer Review processes

We do our utmost best to provide the best possible academic content to our readers. In order to do this, we require our journal editors to judge any submissions to their journals according to their relevance, originality and importance.
Besides their academic quality, submissions should also be judged according to ethical parameters, such as making sure that authorship and contributorship is properly attributed, that there are no conflict of interests and any reference to the work of others is properly made.
A critical part of the editorial process — and of the ultimate decision of publishing or not a submission — is the peer review process. In International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF) we support the “double-blind” peer review process (the author doesn’t know who the reviewer is and vice-versa). We believe that this method ensures the most impartiality in the review process, decreasing drastically the chances of a conflict of interests or manipulation. That being said we expect that journal editors responsible for overseeing the review process are capable of identifying signs of tampering or ill-intent. For this method to work and to safeguard the privacy of all the participants, any personal information should be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.
We also recommend that editors and reviewers familiarize themselves with COPE’s Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

Retractions, Corrections and Expressions of Concern

Academic works are (and should) always be subjected to scrutiny by the academic community. It is not uncommon for a published work to require some sort of correction, particularly when they fall upon established facts. This interchange is healthy for academic advancement and should be encouraged.
In these cases, matters should handled as letters to the editor, either in print or electronically. The editor should be available to respond in a timely manner but also gather evidence to make an informed decision to either accept or reject the proposed correction.
If the author finds that a correction is needed, he should issue a corrigendum. If the journal itself makes an error, it should issue an erratum. In cases where an article is considered to be extensively and irreparably flawed, a retraction should be made.


Plagiarism can be defined as using someone else’s work as your own without due acknowledgement and constitutes a serious breach of ethics and academic integrity. Any reference to another’s work should be properly referenced. Plagiarism can occur in many ways, including by quoting or paraphrasing another’s work without proper acknowledgement, copying and pasting from online resources without proper referencing, using someone else’s research and/or concepts on your own work without referencing or outright submitting another’s work as your own or not giving co-authors proper recognition. Other media are also susceptible to plagiarism. Any images, tables, code, drawings, (to name the most usualy found in academic content) must have their original authors properly identified.The editorial team of the Journal uses specialized software to detect coincidences, similarities, and plagiarism. Plagiarism is specifically prohibited in this Journal. Any detection of plagiarism will imply the invalidation of the submission. If any sort of submission, in its entirety or partially, is suspected to be plagiarised, it is up to the editor to make the necessary inquiries. In cases of proved plagiarism we reserve the right to reject the submission or retract it if it is already published.


Redundant publication or “Self-Plagiarism” as is more commonly referred to, happens when an author publishes the same work or significant portion of the work more than once. This can happen even if the media or language are not the same
These duplicate publications should only be allowed if it improves the scientific research in any way. Even in these cases, authors should take care to obtain consent from the editors and publisher and to reference the original work.
Like with plagiarism, we expect that any suspect cases of “self-plagiarism” to be reported so that the journal editors can make their due diligences.

Conflicts of interest / competing interests

The International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF) does its best to ensure that its journals and/or authors are free of any undue influence. Any person involved in the publication process is required to declare beforehand any potential conflict of interest that could, in any way, compromise the objectivity and/or integrity of the work. Conflicts of interest may vary in nature, ranging from financial, personal, professional, contractual, etc....
It is also encouraged that anyone who suspects a clear undisclosed conflict of interest please inform the appropriate editor

Ethical oversight

Consent for publication

Our publisher will never publish any content without consent from its authors nor will do so if there are any doubts about the integrity of the work, authorship or any unresolved conflict of interests. Any issues that may come up about this topic should be reported immediately to the appropriate journal editor.

Open access to all

The International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (ICAF) strives to offer academic content for free and accessible to all parts of the world. We believe that knowledge and research should be interchangeable and available to all to boost and promote academic research and to allow developing countries to easily access research content. We also encourage researchers from these countries to submit their research to our journals.

Research with Humans or Animals

Editors should endeavour to ensure that the research they publish was carried out according to the relevant internationally accepted guidelines (e.g. the Declaration of Helsinki for clinical research, the AERA and BERA guidelines for educational research).
Journal editors should seek assurances that all research has been approved by an appropriate body (e.g. research ethics committee, institutional review board) where one exists. However, editors should recognize that such approval does not guarantee that the research is ethical.


Journals must obey laws on confidentiality in their own jurisdiction. Regardless of local statutes, however, they should always protect the confidentiality of individual information obtained in the course of research or professional interactions.
Any names, addresses, e-mails and other personal information provided will be used exclusively for the purposes of publication. No information is provided to third parties or for any other use other than the one mentioned.
It may be possible to publish individual information without explicit consent if public interest considerations outweigh possible harms, it is impossible to obtain consent and a reasonable individual would be unlikely to object to publication.
In any case, the journals policy about handling personal data should be clearly stated.

Intellectual property

Journal editors should be alert to intellectual property issues and work with their publisher to handle potential breaches of intellectual property laws and conventions. Intellectual property laws of the local jurisdiction are sovereign. It should also be noticed that all of our content is published under a Creative Commons licence, more specifically an Open Access CC BY licence. This licence lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered with the corresponding Creative Commons attribution licence, which allows third parties to use the published work as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in this journal. Archives in Food, Culture and Nutrition (AFOCUN) respects the intellectual and patrimonial rights (copyright) of the published works, and allows authors the free use of their own published works, always within the current legality